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12.08.2009 08:58 - Кога за последно го направихте?
Автор: kalinkamarinova Категория: Забавление   
Прочетен: 52333 Коментари: 130 Гласове:


 Да, кога за последно благодарихте на вашия ангел-пазител? Само не ми казвайте, че нямате такъв.Шшшшшт! Ще го обидите така. Той се труди усърдно за вас, а вие нехаете за него и дори оспорвате съществуването му. Е, не е ли това истинска неблагодарност? Откъде знам, че всеки си има ангел-пазител? Ха ха.От моя ангел-пазител, естествено. Ние с него си си станахме много близки напоследък. Аз редовно му благодаря за усилията и това поразтопи леда, който малко по малко се беше понатрупал през годините. Е, поне мога да ви зарадвам със следната новина-ангелите никак, ама никак не са злопаметни. Моят ми прости на мига, в който възстанових връзката си с него. Дори някак си се отпусна да споделя повече с мен, сигурно защото знае, че съм помъдряла и му имам повече доверие. А защо малко се бяхме поотчуждили ли? Ами вината си беше изцяло моя. То всъщност винаги е така. Нашите ангели-пазители никога не ни обръщат гръб. Ние сме тези, дето все недоволстваме и се оплакваме от тях, понякога се отвръщаме от тях за известно време, понякога завинаги, но те не ни изоставят. Може да не им е приятно, че сме изгубили връзката си с тях, но продължават да работят за наше добро, макар и да не го заслужаваме и правят всичко по силите си да ни предпазят от собствената ни разрушителна и саморазрушителна сила. Та преди години му се бях разсърдила аз на този мой ангел-пазител, защото не получих нещо, което много желаех. Бях се забъркала в една каша, не е истина. И кой ми е виновен? Ами за какво ми е този ангел-пазител, ако не се грижи за моите си интереси? Нали това му е работата-да ме предпазва от каши, да ме измъква от беди и неприятности и да се грижи да получавам най-доброто , това, което най-много искам. Да, ама не е точно така. Откъде да знам аз, невежата, че често това, което най-много искам, не е най-доброто за мен. Като рокля, която харесаш на манекена на витрината, ама като я пробваш-леле, ужас. Този цвят и тази кройка, ами те въобще не са за мен. Изглеждам толкова безлична. И накрая там, някъде в дъното на магазина откриваш роклята на мечтите си, онази която те усмихва и прави лека като перце. Ето така стои въпроса с всички желания. Искаме си, без да му мислим много, изпадаме в безумни ситуации докато се стремим да удовлетворим желанията си и хич, ама хич не ни е грижа кого нараняваме, докато се опитваме да си постигнем набелязаното. Е, ама често нашите желания са в противоречие с желанията на други хора. Ще кажете-няма лошо. Ще спечели по-добрия или пък този, който успее да прецака другите. Е, аз пък вярвам, че тук нашите ангели-пазители на нашите интереси се намесват и продължават делото до край, полагайки усилия битката да бъде възможно най-честна и в интерес на всички засегнати от нея. Как става това ли? Ами те, ангелите също си имат сдружение. Имат си ясни, честни и прости правила за общуване помежду си, абе нещо подобно на тайните общества. Там всеки ангел-пазител излага интересите на своя довереник и решенията се вземат честно и безпристрастно, в интерес на общото благо и с окончателното съгласие на всички страни. Така взетото решение се въдворява на земята и тук винаги някой страда. Ама няма как. Ние тук си гледаме на нещата съвсем пристрастно, всеки от своята си камбанария и хич не ни е грижа за вселенския мир и хармония. Ние си искаме нашето си желание да се осъществи и се цупим и обвиняваме нашия ангел-пазител в некомпетентност, хората в егоизъм, обществения строй в несправедливост, Господ в нехайство, космоса в хаос...абе само ние сме си ок, ама никой освен нас не го осъзнава. Кой да ти търси ред в този всеобщ хаос. Със сигурност не и наранения и „ощетен от съдбата” човек. Така първата жертва на нашето отчаяние става нашия ангел-пазител. Загубваме връзката си с него, защото трупаме все повече негативна енергия, която като гъсти облаци затъмнява нашето съзнание и ни прави все по-неблагодарни и отчаяни. А загубим ли връзката си с нашия ангел-пазител, за него става все по-трудно да ни помага, да ни пази от другите и от самите себе си, да бъде нашата връзка с чистата космическа енергия. И какво от това, казваме си ние. Досега като ни беше връзка, да не би да прокопсахме? Да, ама винаги може да стане и по-зле, нали? И кой ще го отнесе тогава? Ние, естествено. Че и нашия ангел-пазител, дето пък въобще няма вина, горкия. Той ни е бил предан, дори и когато е страдал от нашите капризи и невежество. И така, в момента, в който осъзнах всички тези неща, аз благодарих на моя ангел пазител, че винаги е бил до мен и се е грижел за моите и най-вече космическите интереси, дето не съм дорасла още да ги разбера, но знам, че никак не са маловажни /поне не по-маловажни от моите/. Връщайки се назад във времето, все повече осъзнавам, че ако бях получила това, заради което обърнах гръб временно на моя ангел, вече нямаше да го ценя и да го искам толкова. Досега щях да съм му се наситила и да съм го захвърлила, както направих с много други неща /не толкова важни, разбира се/, които получих само поради това, че моя ангел-пазител обичаше да ми угажда и имаше огромна слабост към мен. В момента, в който отново почувствах благодарност към моя ангел-пазител започна отново да се изгражда мост от позитивна енергия между нас. Сега имам отново най-ценната връзка в живота си, тази с моя ангел-пазител, който винаги ще бди над мен, ще ме предпазва от врагове, ще ме измъква от кашите,които забърквам, ще ме наказва, когато не съм права, но винаги, винаги ще е до мен и ще ме зарежда с позитивност. Как да не се доверяваш на някой, дето те познава по-добре, отколкото ти се познаваш, на някой, който знае по-добре от теб, кое ще те направи щастлив. Сега, когато престанах да се цупя на моя ангел, сега имам много повече, отколкото някога съм мислела, че мога да имам. Затова искам да кажа едно огромно БЛАГОДАРЯ на моя личен ангел-пазител. Вие кога за последно благодарихте на вашия?


1. nezir - Подвеждащо заглавие...
12.08.2009 09:24
А се оказа много смислен пост.

Непрекъснато съм благодарен, за всичко!
2. kalinkamarinova - Благодаря nezir.
12.08.2009 09:40
Надявах се само заглавието да е комерсиално.:)))
3. hel - Хубав постинг!
12.08.2009 10:16
Аз често му благодаря! Вечер задължително!
4. kalinkamarinova - Благодаря hel
12.08.2009 11:03
Сигурна съм, че и твоят ангел-пазител се грижи добре за теб тогава.:)
5. stix - Върна ми надеждата, че има нещо над ...
12.08.2009 20:23
Върна ми надеждата, че има нещо над нас самите...

Нещо, което натиска бутоните за щастливите моменти...
6. анонимен - ЕДНА ЖЕНА
12.08.2009 22:17
Благодаря ти!Разплака ме,защото съм си мислела точно същото.Случвало се е да ГО упреквам,че нещо не става.След време разбирам,че е било за мое добро,само че аз е нямало как да го зная.Поклон!
7. kalinkamarinova - stix
12.08.2009 23:26
Е, и ние помагаме за натискането на бутоните, нали имаме воля да избираме.:) И не губи надеждата, за да не загубиш връзката с доброто и възвишеното. Благодаря ти, че се отби.
8. kalinkamarinova - Една жена
12.08.2009 23:28
А ти много ме зарадва. Хубаво е да откриеш съмишленици.
9. priqtel12 - Благодаря ти за подсещането!
13.08.2009 21:51
Права си, трябва да се благодари.......Това е толкова важно!!! Поздрави!
10. kalinkamarinova - priatel12
13.08.2009 22:44
Толкова е хубаво да видиш, че някой с такъв страхотен никнейм е на същото мнение като теб.:)
11. priqtel12 - Радвам се, че ти харесва!
14.08.2009 00:18
Надявам се светлинката, която той олицетворена да сочи пътя към мен на моя ангел-пазител, за да не ме оставя той никога, както в беда, така и в моменти на радост.....Лека нощ!!!
12. zippo - нещо красиво от блогерката elineli
27.08.2009 17:55
Къде си ходил ми кажи.
Издран и мърляв.
Виж се само.
Ще те превържа
не тъжи,това е просто кал
и малка рана.
Та ти си ангел.
Надявах се да ме закриляш.
Това в ръцете ми?
Е,да. Игла.
Крилете...Дай да ги зашия.
Ще те прегърна,
не боли.
И друг път по високо,знаеш.
Да,в ниското са все бодли.
Сега поспи,
а утре ще ме пазиш.

Поздрави за поста!
13. kalinkamarinova - Благодаря ти.
27.08.2009 19:55
И мерси за стихчето.
14. kass - kalinkamarinova
14.09.2009 21:34
какъв прекрасен постинг, не съм много стрикна в благодарностите към моя ангел, защото ако трябва да съм честна, то би трябвало да му благодаря ежесекундно, толкова е щедър към мен. Но тази вечер ще му благодаря, благодаря ти и на теб, че ме подсети... :)
15. kalinkamarinova - kass
15.09.2009 10:33
Чудесно е да срещнеш благодарни и доволни хора.Сигурна съм, че твоя ангел никога няма да те изостави.
16. анонимен - Фигура "АнгПаз1"
17.09.2009 22:33
Уча за изпит по математика сега. Виждам фигура, наречена "Ангел-пазител": имаме графика на благосклонната съдба, пресечена от графиката на благодарността. В кой геометричен обем се помещава ангела оставям на вашето въображение ;)

Иначе Ангелите ми са много - те са обикновени хора, мои съветници чрез добрини и лошотии;

Перфектността е винаги лъжовна, а обожествяването е контра-продуктивно, затова отдавам длъжното и се старая да не забравям примера.

Редките си свръхестествените удачи отдавам на подарен свише шанс, който трябва да се оползотвори и върне в градивна себеизява, все едно е изтеглен кредит.

Иначе наскоро ми попадна статия, твърдяща, че половината американци вярват в ангели...

Понеже съм живял в Щатите вярвам, че тази практика явно има сериозен резон.
Пък и е по-персонално и сладко някакси..)
17. kalinkamarinova - 16.анонимен
18.09.2009 09:20
Ангеля-пазител за мен не е бялото същество с криле от картинките.:) Просто вярвам, че колкото сме по-благодарни, за това което имаме, толкова по-благосклонна към нас ще бъде съдбата. Това е.
18. rpatel - Ох! Май е време да благодар на моя! ...
27.11.2009 12:05
Ох! Май е време да благодар на моя! Той горкият толкова много работа има покраймен, пък аз как му е отплащам? Със сълзи и тъга. Горкият! Не е заслужил такова отношение!
19. kalinkamarinova - :)
27.11.2009 12:34
Така е, не го е заслужил. :) Успех в това и всички останали начинания.
20. boristodorov56 - Щом ме подсети!
27.11.2009 14:21
Веднага го направих.
А някога го правих редовно.
21. kalinkamarinova - 20. boristodorov56 - Щом ме подсети!
27.11.2009 14:37
Радвам се, че си го направил. Повече благодарни хора-по добър свят. По-добър свят-още по-благодарни хора...и така все напред...
22. irka66 - Няма нищо по - лесно на този свят, от това да кажеш благодаря!
01.12.2009 11:27
Благодаря ти! Страхотно е!
23. kalinkamarinova - 22. irka66
01.12.2009 16:43
Така е-и лесно и пречистващо. И аз ти благодаря, че се отби и благодари. :)
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27.09.2011 07:52
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28.09.2011 01:22
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Распродажа диванов и кресел
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You have heard that I was saying one day that there is nothing that could top watching <a href=http://forums.recessframework.org/user/15138-reagan-gomez-preston-nude/page__tab__aboutme>reagan gomez-preston nude</a> and today I am going to prove it one more time so enjoy ladies and gentlemen.

As you know there are plenty of my other websites and you might have already read that post about <a href=http://forum.rybakalex.com/index.php?showuser=2335&tab=aboutme>jessica simpson sex scene</a> on some of them. If you have that kind of opportunity to get back there and read that one more time with all those gorgeous and high quality illustrations then please do that. Also, don't forget to read some comments to that one review as a lot of people were saying thanks in my address for giving such new and rare photos of her. Oh yeah, one dude even said "Dude, those pix really took me and I think I will masturbate on them right now" You see, that man right there loves <a href=http://forum.rybakalex.com/index.php?showuser=2302&tab=aboutme>alex mccord naked pictures</a> pretty much as all we do too.

I have this gorgeous picture of her where she is getting pictured in that superhot future bikini. I am telling you, those bikinis are something that was made especially for this photo shoot because I have never seen anything like it. By the way, I think you might want to look at her boobs because basically this bathing suit doesn't cover them much and there is almost no difference between this pic right here and for example <a href=http://avchathq.com/forum/index.php?/user/1508-deepika-padukone-nude-pics/&tab=aboutme>deepika padukone nude pics</a>.

She is pretty curvy and I guess that girl loves to eat. Don't get any thinner baby. You are gorgeous the way you're.

Some people might say that those shots of <a href=http://forum.betterworld.lt/index.php?/user/2331-nicollette-sheridan-nude/&tab=aboutme>nicollette sheridan nude</a> that I have here are fake ones and it is not going to be any fun and joy watching them. But if you know that this is not true, I guess that shouldn't stop you from checking them out.

How old is this woman? I know it is not polite to ask woman about the age stuff as this is something they have to keep in secret but if you're a celebrity, forget about those things. Paparazzi and other people will definitely know your real age and you won't be able to hide it for a long time as soon as you become popular. But our guest is 30 years old for now and that my friends should tell us she is so young and hot that we can say she looks on about 25 or something. Oh, yeah, take a look at those <a href=http://forum.rybakalex.com/index.php?showuser=2305&tab=aboutme>elisabetta canalis topless</a> an you will see how young she still is and what amazing body she has.

Let's watch a couple of her photos in particular. I got one where she seats totally naked in a bathtub all covered with soapsuds and she was playing with them as well. This is some innocent photo of a bad girl and it turns me on every times I look at that photo. Her tits can be noticed there pretty opened however you can forget about seeing her nipples as they are covered by her elbows.

That was amazing stuff right there and you have probably enjoyed not less than I have.

Ok, now we gathered here today to watch some <a href=http://forums.recessframework.org/user/15439-jordana-brewster-desnuda/page__tab__aboutme>jordana brewster desnuda</a> and I hope that you're having some nice mood right here... Do you know what kind of mood I call right? It is sexy mood and nothing else.

Let's start this review with describing her gorgeous and naked body of <a href=http://forums.recessframework.org/user/14496-natalie-portman-nude-scene/page__tab__aboutme>natalie portman nude scene</a> with more details. But before that I have to say that I love her name and it sounds perfect for all girls that are the same hot as her. Let me put here an example for you. How about <a href=http://avchathq.com/forum/index.php?/user/1599-deepika-padukone-nip-slip/&tab=aboutme>deepika padukone nip slip</a> Ripa or <a href=http://forum.digitalpanic.net/index.php?showuser=10957&tab=aboutme>michelle borth sex scenes</a> Monaco? Yeah, all of them are superhot chicks and I start loving this name right after watching first episode of Married With Children and its character <a href=http://forums.recessframework.org/user/15388-kareena-kapoor-nude-pics/page__tab__aboutme>kareena kapoor nude pics</a> Bundy. I know that it was Applegate playing her but that name fits her million times better I guess.

Starting with her sexy hair that use to cover her tits on those pictures of <a href=http://forum.betterworld.lt/index.php?/user/2249-vanessa-hudgens-sex-scene/&tab=aboutme>vanessa hudgens sex scene</a> I have to say that she has got so damn gorgeous hairs that every women would simply jealous to and men would kill to have those on their pillow. Anyway, great heirs right there.

Of course it is impossible not to mention how it is great to stare at her big and pretty natural to me tits. Man, they are quite big and so elastic that I don't know what to think. You know what? It doesn't matter really if her tits are fake or natural as I think you will agree with me if I say "What looks good, that's what counts".

You don't mind if I introduce you some nice photos of <a href=http://forum.betterworld.lt/index.php?/user/2258-laura-vandervoort-desnuda/&tab=aboutme>laura vandervoort desnuda</a> that I have downloaded in this morning, don't you? Yeah, I thought so. No other man will refuse from this opportunity to masturbate on some nice and hot chick.

Surely there are way more nice photos of her but to each of us it seems that there are only a few ones that make us stimulating during masturbation. For example, you can say you like some particular image and I can say that this is not that much excited as the other one which is my favorite. It is all about the difference in our tastes and perceptions. One man can stare at her boobs and he won't understand their whole beauty whereas the other one can simply cumm right in his pants for ten seconds.

My favorite one is when we can see <a href=http://forums.recessframework.org/user/15139-danielle-fishel-nude-pics/page__tab__aboutme>danielle fishel nude pics</a> on the beach. Of course she wears some clothes but that would be only some kind of fishing net wrapped around her waist just to cover her shaved pussy. How did I know it was shaved you might ask? Well, maybe because that net is not an obstacle to see through. But the greatest part of that picture is that you can actually see her big and elastic tits. I don't need anything but them, honestly. Also, I am very pleased to masturbate on her open belly sometimes as I find it quite sexy and athletic. Too bad that her hairs cover those nice nipples that I can't see on this photo.

I was wondering if you have checked any of those <a href=http://forum.betterworld.lt/index.php?/user/2369-evangeline-lilly-desnuda/&tab=aboutme>evangeline lilly desnuda</a> already because this is very important to me. Anyway, let's pretend that you haven't, alright? So let's do this. After you do, this quote below will entertain you.

"People always say something like "This bloody bitch gets that job in Playboy because of what she looks like." Well, this I that kind of business, what can I tell you? Either you're hot or not. Those people that jealous are always ugly and not attractive. But when any director or some employer sees <a href=http://avchathq.com/forum/index.php?/user/1530-gwyneth-paltrow-nude-scene/&tab=aboutme>gwyneth paltrow nude scene</a> in her portfolio for example, then you might way the job is in her pocket already. Yep, you don't need to be smart, educated or else if you want to pose for a Playboy or shooting in movies. All you have to do is be sexy and stay sexy for a long time. Only this way you can get yourself a job and then keep it. I would advise her to get those stupid sayings in her address like a compliment or motivation. She should become sexier from year to year.

Oh, <a href=http://forum.betterworld.lt/index.php?/user/2287-michelle-monaghan-desnuda/&tab=aboutme>michelle monaghan desnuda</a>, honey, what are you doing with me? You are so hot that I am losing control on my mind. Honestly, those girls my age doesn't seem to be any attractive anymore because I think I have watched too much her naked photos. But seriously, you are ten times better that any woman I have ever met in reality. Well, maybe except for Angelina Jolie however I didn't met her yet.

Somebody was searching for <a href=http://www.xtrafile.com/forums/index.php?/user/1004-jamie-lynn-spears-desnuda/&tab=aboutme>jamie lynn spears desnuda</a>, right? Well, you can stop doing it right now.

I gave myself a word that this is going to be my last review about <a href=http://gmc.yoyogames.com/index.php?showuser=233955&tab=aboutme>christina applegate nude</a> as there are plenty already all across the web. You probably saw them and I am sure you liked all those pics you saw, huh? To be honest, when I am searching or getting her naked photos by email I can't control myself. So, instead of uploading them right on my websites I'm just jerking off first and then they're good to go. It is sort of quality control, you know what I'm saying. If I cumm like in two minutes that means those pictures are pretty stimulating but if it takes like from five minutes and higher then I don't put that kind of shots. I want my visitors to do masturbation as fast as possible because when you're cumming quick that means you get a lot more pleasure. Boys, back me up here.

I got this nice photo where you can almost get a perfect view on <a href=http://forum.betterworld.lt/index.php?/user/2251-kristanna-loken-sex-scene/&tab=aboutme>kristanna loken sex scene</a> and I said "almost" because she has these ropes around her waist that covers her pussy and something that is called a bra on her boobs however I wouldn't call it like that because it has way too little material.

The fact that she is exposing in someone's apartment is turning me on because I am imagining like this is my place. By the way those blankets seem to be pretty familiar. I think I have the same on my balcony. Let me just check that alright?

Hey brothers and sister. I am happy to announce that we got here some <a href=http://forum.digitalpanic.net/index.php?showuser=10967&tab=aboutme>julianne moore sex scene</a> so if you do care about it then I am waiting for ya'll.

You know, I didn't thought I was pretty jealous especially when it comes to my favorite celebrities. For example, when I knew that Fergie is pregnant I was so mad at her husband that I was even ready to kill him. Of course that's just an exaggeration and I've said that just to spice things up you know. But it really hurt me when news papers were writing about it however I am happy for Stacy although they're ain't my kids. Anyway, the same thing I have with <a href=http://www.xtrafile.com/forums/index.php?/user/951-chantelle-houghton-topless/&tab=aboutme>chantelle houghton topless</a> because there is this photo that I saw today and let me tell you about it.

She is having a rest on a beach and looks so happy. I can't forget those sparkly bikinis she was wearing. Oh boy, they were underlining her sexy curvy forms almost perfect and how come you never saw this one, I am surprised. Just look at <a href=http://forums.digitalwarfare247.com/index.php?/user/27101-shannon-tweed-playboy-pics/&tab=aboutme>shannon tweed playboy pics</a> and I have to say they're so damn big that not every bikini swim suit will handle them. I bet she orders some very solid and quality material so that those babies didn't popped open and flashed all the paparazzi around. Those ropes that handle this bra are probably made of steel or something... just kidding though.

Anyhow, the ugliest part of this picture is that there is some dude who stands behind her and touches her shoulders. She smiles and they're probably happy together. Man, I wish he was just her brother.

Wow, just look at this website... Don't you just love its main theme? That's right, you will find here as many <a href=http://forum.rybakalex.com/index.php?showuser=2356&tab=aboutme>kim kardashian sex scenes</a> as possible and thus you can masturbate on them even now. But if it is possible, save you passion till the end and only after I finish you could do that. Of course this is not a mandatory, however I insist on that. Anyway, let's start our review about his hot celebrity.

Why don't we talk about her private parts in details? Sound like some not bad idea at all. Let's start from the top. I love the way she dyes her hair and brunettes are ten times sexier than blonds.

When I see <a href=http://forum.betterworld.lt/index.php?/user/2366-heather-graham-nude-pics/&tab=aboutme>heather graham nude pics</a> my breath holds like for ten seconds and my heartbeat starts to increase fast. This is all because of her boobs as they are surely the first thing that I look at when I stare at her naked picture. A lot of people will tell you that they think her breast is fake one and she has done at least one plastic surgery so far. But I don't care about this fact although I'm against plastic surgeries in general. It is just in her case we can see a perfect result and even if this is a doctor's work, I am very fond of that result. It looks good and everybody likes that.

You should watch Three movie featuring a few scenes of <a href=http://gmc.yoyogames.com/index.php?showuser=233206&tab=aboutme>sarah jessica parker sexy</a> on the beach. In first scene, she is just walking in water and you can see her tits along with ass too. There is a one nice view right there. The other scene is happening on the beach too and now we can see her lying in sand with some lucky guy and they are kissing and hugging each other. Then they start having sex and you just have to see that.

The third scene also features sex act but this time she is with a completely other man. I haven't watched that movie but I am willing to do that right after this review ends.

Would you like to get one precious advice from <a href=http://forums.recessframework.org/user/15037-andie-macdowell-sex-scene/page__tab__aboutme>andie macdowell sex scene</a>? This is about being in shape and taking care of your health. Plus, it is a bit horny so you might be excited after that. "Sex keeps me fit and healthy. What can be better than that?" Well, I don't know what I should do right now. Should I contact her and offer her another lesson of sex? I would do anything to have <a href=http://forum.betterworld.lt/index.php?/user/2317-christina-hendricks-nude/&tab=aboutme>christina hendricks nude</a> in my bed.

If she compares sex to exercising then I am ready to be her daily coach on it. She will be in the best form ever, but first she will have to sweat a bit with me. I hope you know what I am saying, right? I suggest you to follow her advice and to start doing that regular too however there is no guarantee that doing only this you will lose weight. Don't stop sweating in gym too as this will only increase a process of becoming shapely and sexy. Find yourself a partner that would make love with you at least two times per day if you don't have a boyfriend or a husband. Or you can always rely on me. Leave your comments here and I will help you with that.

Right now here comes the other quote by her that answers the question if women in 50's were looking sexier than now. "Women were so much sexier in 50's. This is what I aspire to look like." I don't know what makes her think that way but when I saw <a href=http://forum.digitalpanic.net/index.php?showuser=10955&tab=aboutme>amanda righetti nude pics</a> where she wore a makeup from 50's she was looking damn hot. But the problem is, that I haven't found any woman that could be compared with her. I say, back in those days, there were no such women like her and the word "beauty" meant something different. You didn't have to get nude so that people would be crazy about you. Since that time a lot of things have changed and the world is not the same already.

I hope you have enjoyed all those fancy pictures of that woman because this was very hard to make happen for you. Those that haven't masturbated yet can do that right now and the rest can get out of here. Just kidding, don't be so serious.
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Our team is a unique producer of quality fake documents.
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To get the additional information and place the order just visit our website:

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<b>To order our fake documents please send your enquiries to our E-mail:</b>

<u>General support:</u> support@falsedocuments.cc

<u>Technical support:</u> tech@falsedocuments.cc

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21.12.2011 01:43
Our team is a unique producer of quality fake documents.
We offer only original high-quality fake passports, driver's licenses, ID cards, stamps and other products for a number of countries like:
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To get the additional information and place the order just visit our website:

http://www.falsedocuments.cc /ht tp:/ /w ww.falsedocuments .cc

<b>To order our fake documents please send your enquiries to our E-mail:</b>

<u>General support:</u> support@falsedocuments.cc

<u>Technical support:</u> tech@falsedocuments.cc

<a href=http://www.falsedocuments.cc><img>http://falsedocuments.cc/inside/pp-ge-open-big.jpg</img></a>
<a href=http://www.falsedocuments.cc><img>http://falsedocuments.cc/inside/pp-nl-open-big.jpg</img></a>

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-(Key words)-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
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